Monday, February 11, 2019

Dilly Dally

I was thinking of a good title for this post and the word Procrastination keeps on coming up my head. Procrastination - it is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite its negative consequences. See, this is me for the past ten years. A decade ago I have this idea (or goals ) of starting my own online/physical thrift shop, keeping a blog, learning how to use a sewing machine, how to knit, play the guitar (over again), speak Spanish (bec, Gael Garcia Bernal). Those did not happen. New year, new ideas and most of the time resources/opportunities are there. It was all just me. I get caught up with life and that should not be an excuse because everybody does! I keep telling myself that if x and z are able to do it, why can't I? I know, it's cliche. My people keep telling me that I have my own path, my own circumstances and that I shouldn't compare myself to others. Each journey is unique. Right. These have been my shield for not following through with my plans.

So now, here I am slowly, well, more of aggressively picking up where I left off. I checked the last time I wrote here and it was ages ago (six years to be exact). I mean, I love writing and this should come out naturally (I hope!). I love keeping and documenting memories because I want to go through them when I'm old and I'm with my Ninjas and their own little ninjas - now this thought makes me *giddy*. Lastly, I love sharing my thoughts and experiences because I love knowing other people's thoughts and experiences too! I get a kick everytime there's a "shit-you-too?" moment! You know what I mean. :) So, welcome (once again) to this little corner. Fix yourself a cuppa and make yourself at home. 

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